IFA kit for the detection of anti-Rickettsia conorii IgG antibodies
Fluo RICKETTSIA conorii is a test based on the immunofluorescence technique for the detection of anti-Rickettsia conorii IgG antibodies in dog serum or plasma samples.
Rickettsial diseases are zoonotic infectious diseases sustained by microorganisms belonging to the Rickettsiaceae family.
Rickettsia conorii is a Gram negative, intracellular bacterium, the causative agent of Mediterranean button fever. The infection is transmitted to the dog through the bite of an infected tick. There are several subspecies of R. conorii and many other species present in Europe that can infect dogs, humans and other animals, such as: R. helvetica, R. sibirica mongolotimonae, R. massiliae, R. aeschlimanii, R. slovaca, R. raoulti, R. monacensis.
These species are differently distributed in Europe and are antigenically related to each other; therefore they can give cross reactions to the serological examination. Seroprevalence in Italy has been estimated between 15 and 72%, but cases of the disease described in Italian dogs are rare.
The main clinical signs in dogs are not very specific:
- acute febrile illness
- lethargy
- joint pain
- lymph node resentment
- Vomiting
- diarrhea.
Mediterranean button fever is a disease widespread especially along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.
In the differential diagnosis it is necessary to consider other tick-related diseases, such as Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis and Babesiosis.